Clarifai Brand
We've developed guidelines to assist you in utilizing our brand and assets, such as our logo, content, and trademarks, without the need for individual legal agreements for every instance. If you require usage of our marks in ways not specified by these guidelines, get in touch with us and provide a visual mockup of the proposed use.
Tone of Voice
Clarifai's tone of voice is visionary, casual, simple, informative, optimistic, and to the point. What would someone outside Clarifai do with this information? We can use the page to describe Clarifai so they can pick that description when they talk about it. Like - Clarifai is the leading independent provider of artificial intelligence for unstructured data including texts, images and video. Its end-to-end AI platform covers the entire AI Lifecycle from data labeling and training all the way through deployment.
The logo celebrates the brand’s clever name and friendly nature through its symmetrical structure, soft edges, and balanced weight. The symbol is the visual hero and is inspired by a “neural network”. It tells the story of connecting one idea to another to reveal the “big picture”. To ensure readability, there should always be as much clear space around our logo as possible. To give it the space it deserves, all other graphic elements must remain a minimum distance away from it.
Primary Logo for most applications - Horizontal
Vertical Logo: alternate square layout
Clarifais Stand alone Icon
Spacing Considerations
To ensure readability, there should always be as much clear space around our logo as possible. To give it the space it deserves, all other graphic elements must remain a minimum distance away, as illustrated below. Using the height of the logo [X] is an easy guide to determine the necessary minimum clear space on all sides.
The Clarifai logo consists of two elements: the icon, the logotype
The Tagline should be strategically used to communicate our brand value
Our brand colors are the three colors acceptable for expressing our brand marks and logo. Bold and distinctive, this palette is restrained and must always remain consistent. These colors can be used across all branded materials and assets. As the foundation of our brand color palette, these colors should be partner with light backgrounds.
Clarifai Main blue color, brand usage
Complementary color fro gradients, highlight or links
Mostly used in fonts and backgrounds